Welcome seven, take it very slow with the family. The best way to bring up something like the UN is to claim that a householder or friend at college asked about it and you weren't sure how to answer. It helps to give the impression that they were "interested" and receptive.
Different family members will respond to different issues. You never know which one will sink in and really get them to think. It could be blood fractions, UN, pedophile coverup, false prophecies, overlapping generation, Jesus not being the mediator for the great crowd.
One of my JW relatives really seemed troubled when I got him to logically analyze the Watchtower's Armageddon doctrine. They teach that only JW's will be spared, which means that millions of children and babies will be slaughtered. Babies that can't even physically comprehend the "good news of the kingdom". These children will be lovingly slaughtered by Jehovah God and not be resurrected. It really takes a sociopathic mindset to accept this doctrine and not be even slightly troubled by it.